With the rise of the MDA approach in 2000, only references before the arbitrary cut-off date of 1999 have been selected here. Many translation papers or articles produced after this date have been written within the context of MDA and are listed on the MDA Links page.
It was unfortunate that information on Recursive Design appeared in what seemed like dribs and drabs from various sources. The list below is incomplete but covers most translation related papers published by Project Technology and trade magazines.
Title | Author | Source | Date |
The Project Matrix: A Model for Software Engineering Project Management | Sally Shlaer, Diana Grand, Steve Mellor | Project Technology, Yourdon - IEEE | 1984 |
Comparison of Semantic Nets and Information Models: An Example | Sally Shlaer, Deborah Ohlsen | Project Technology | 1987 |
The Object-Oriented Method for Analysis | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Deborah Ohlsen, Wayne Hywari | Project Technology - Proceedings of the Tenth Structured Development Forum | 1988 |
Object-Oriented Analysis (description for Department of the Army methods catalog) | ? | Project Technology | ~1989 |
Documentation Guidelines for Ada Object-Oriented Development Under 2167A | Rick Hill, Steve Mellor, Klancy de Nevers, Sally Shlaer | Project Technology | 1989 |
Understanding Object-Oriented Analysis | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology - DesignCenter Magazine, Hewlett-Packard | 1989 |
Object Oriented Real-Time Analysis with TeamWork: Application Note | Alan Hecht? | Cadre Technologies | 1989 |
An Object-Oriented Approach to Domain Analysis | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology - Software Engineering Notes, ACM | 1989 |
Recursive Design | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology - Computer Language | 1990 |
Object Oriented Design in Ada: A Transformational Strategy Based on Object-Oriented Analysis | Rick Hill | Project Technology | 1990 |
OODLE: A language-Independent Notation for Object-Oriented Design | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Wayne Hywari | Project Technology | 1990 |
Object-Oriented Analysis Rules | Neil Lang | Project Technology | 1991 |
Real Time Recursive Design | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology | 1992 |
Object-Oriented Analysis in the Real World | Mike Lee | Project Technology | 1992 |
Object-Oriented Analysis and Recursive Design: A Formalism for Understanding Software Architectures | Colin Carter, Chris Raistrick | Kennedy Carter | 1992 |
A Comparison of OOA and OMT | Sally Shlaer | Project Technology | 1992 |
Shlaer-Mellor Method | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Michael Lee | Project Technology | 1993 |
Recipe Operational TN | Wayne Hywari | Project Technology | 1993 |
A Deeper Look ... at changing requirements | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology - JOOP Magazine | 1993 |
A Comparison of the Booch Method and Shlaer-Mellor OOA/RD | Steve Mellor | Project Technology | 1993 |
A Deeper Look ... at archetypes | Steve Mellor | Project Technology - JOOP Magazine | 1994 |
A Deeper Look ... at translating actions (Part 1) | Steve Mellor | Project Technology - JOOP Magazine | 1994 |
Communications Systems Design with Object Oriented Analysis / Recursive Design | Ken Hines, Brad Sanders | Motorola - Object Magazine | 1994 |
Modelling Rules in Object-Oriented Analysis | Sanjiv Gossain | Cambridge Technology Partners - Object Magazine | 1994 |
Developing a Medical Diagnostic System with OOA/RD | Jim Ladd | Abbott Laboratories - Object Magazine | 1994 |
Moving from Merise to Shlaer-Mellor | Joel Andre, Pierre-Marie Delpech | Arche SQL - Objects in Europe Magazine | 1994 |
*From OOA to C++: The Missing Link | Sally Shlaer?, Steve Mellor? | Project Technology | 1994 |
Reuse Through Automation: Model Based Development | Steve Mellor | Project Technology - Object Magazine | 1995 |
Observations on the Role of Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Development | Charlie Alfred, Steve Mellor | MRC Partners, Project Technology - Object Magazine | 1995 |
A Deeper Look ... at translating actions (Part 2) | Steve Mellor | Project Technology - JOOP Magazine | 1995 |
A Deeper Look ... at multiple designs | Steve Mellor | Project Technology - JOOP Magazine | 1995 |
The Action Specification Language (ASL) Reference Guide | Ian Wilkie, Adrian King, Mike Clarke | Kennedy Carter | 1995 |
Big OOP, No Oops | Edmund Dejesus | BYTE Magazine | 1995 |
A Real-Time Architecture Based on Shlaer-Mellor Object Lifecycles | Libero Nigro | Universita' della Calabria - JOOP Magazine | 1995 |
*Synchronous Services | Sally Shlaer?, Steve Mellor? | Project Technology | 1996 |
*Bridges and Wormholes | Sally Shlaer?, Steve Mellor? | Project Technology | 1996 |
Shlaer-Mellor Method: The OOA96 Report | Sally Shlaer, Neil Lang | Project Technology | 1996 |
Why Explore Object Methods, Patterns, and Architectures? | Steve Mellor, Ralph Johnson | Project Technology, University of Illinois | 1997 |
Data Types in OOA | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology | 1997 |
Recursive Design of an Application-Independent Architecture | Sally Shlaer, Steve Mellor | Project Technology - IEEE Software | 1997 |
The DFD as a Subsystem-Scope Diagram in the Shlaer-Mellor Method | David Whipp | Siemens | 1998 |
Example Model: Game of Go | David Whipp | Siemens | 1998 |
Code Generation from Object Models | Rodney Bell | ASSET Consulting | 1998 |
Generation of VHDL-code from Object Oriented Analysis Models | Fredrik Westman | Saab Dynamics | 1999 |
Tailoring Process-Focused OO Methods | Brian Henderson-Sellers, Steve Mellor | University of Technology (Sydney), Project Technology - JOOP Magazine | 1999 |
Automatic Code Generation from UML Models - Building translation templates | Steve Mellor | Project Technology - C++ Report | 1999 |
Leon Starr was the only author outside Project Technology who published a book on the Shlaer-Mellor method. Project Technology's much anticipated Recursive Design book never materialized.