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Translation References: 1984 - 1999

With the rise of the MDA approach in 2000, only references before the arbitrary cut-off date of 1999 have been selected here. Many translation papers or articles produced after this date have been written within the context of MDA and are listed on the MDA Links page.

There are several reasons for creating a list of Shlaer-Mellor references:

  • Establish what is potentially available
  • There has probably never been extensive list of references
  • Show the amount of thought and hard work that has gone into the method
  • With the decline of Project Technology's own website some papers are becoming unavailable

Project Technology's own Shlaer-Mellor-Users (SMU) mailing list was in operation from about 1995 to 2001.

If you are aware of any other material that should be listed here, please Make Contact.

Translation Related Papers

It was unfortunate that information on Recursive Design appeared in what seemed like dribs and drabs from various sources. The list below is incomplete but covers most translation related papers published by Project Technology and trade magazines.

The Project Matrix: A Model for Software Engineering Project ManagementSally Shlaer, Diana Grand, Steve MellorProject Technology, Yourdon - IEEE1984
Comparison of Semantic Nets and Information Models: An ExampleSally Shlaer, Deborah OhlsenProject Technology1987
The Object-Oriented Method for AnalysisSally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Deborah Ohlsen, Wayne HywariProject Technology - Proceedings of the Tenth Structured Development Forum1988
Object-Oriented Analysis (description for Department of the Army methods catalog)?Project Technology~1989
Documentation Guidelines for Ada Object-Oriented Development Under 2167ARick Hill, Steve Mellor, Klancy de Nevers, Sally ShlaerProject Technology1989
Understanding Object-Oriented AnalysisSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology - DesignCenter Magazine, Hewlett-Packard1989
Object Oriented Real-Time Analysis with TeamWork: Application NoteAlan Hecht?Cadre Technologies1989
An Object-Oriented Approach to Domain AnalysisSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology - Software Engineering Notes, ACM1989
Recursive DesignSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology - Computer Language1990
Object Oriented Design in Ada: A Transformational Strategy Based on Object-Oriented AnalysisRick HillProject Technology1990
OODLE: A language-Independent Notation for Object-Oriented DesignSally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Wayne HywariProject Technology1990
Object-Oriented Analysis RulesNeil LangProject Technology1991
Real Time Recursive DesignSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology1992
Object-Oriented Analysis in the Real WorldMike LeeProject Technology1992
Object-Oriented Analysis and Recursive Design: A Formalism for Understanding Software ArchitecturesColin Carter, Chris RaistrickKennedy Carter1992
A Comparison of OOA and OMTSally ShlaerProject Technology1992
Shlaer-Mellor MethodSally Shlaer, Steve Mellor, Michael LeeProject Technology1993
Recipe Operational TNWayne HywariProject Technology1993
A Deeper Look ... at changing requirementsSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology - JOOP Magazine1993
A Comparison of the Booch Method and Shlaer-Mellor OOA/RDSteve MellorProject Technology1993
A Deeper Look ... at archetypesSteve MellorProject Technology - JOOP Magazine1994
A Deeper Look ... at translating actions (Part 1)Steve MellorProject Technology - JOOP Magazine1994
Communications Systems Design with Object Oriented Analysis / Recursive DesignKen Hines, Brad SandersMotorola - Object Magazine1994
Modelling Rules in Object-Oriented AnalysisSanjiv GossainCambridge Technology Partners - Object Magazine1994
Developing a Medical Diagnostic System with OOA/RDJim LaddAbbott Laboratories - Object Magazine1994
Moving from Merise to Shlaer-MellorJoel Andre, Pierre-Marie DelpechArche SQL - Objects in Europe Magazine1994
*From OOA to C++: The Missing LinkSally Shlaer?, Steve Mellor?Project Technology1994
Reuse Through Automation: Model Based DevelopmentSteve MellorProject Technology - Object Magazine1995
Observations on the Role of Patterns in Object-Oriented Software DevelopmentCharlie Alfred, Steve MellorMRC Partners, Project Technology - Object Magazine1995
A Deeper Look ... at translating actions (Part 2)Steve MellorProject Technology - JOOP Magazine1995
A Deeper Look ... at multiple designsSteve MellorProject Technology - JOOP Magazine1995
The Action Specification Language (ASL) Reference GuideIan Wilkie, Adrian King, Mike ClarkeKennedy Carter1995
Big OOP, No OopsEdmund DejesusBYTE Magazine1995
A Real-Time Architecture Based on Shlaer-Mellor Object LifecyclesLibero NigroUniversita' della Calabria - JOOP Magazine1995
*Synchronous ServicesSally Shlaer?, Steve Mellor?Project Technology1996
*Bridges and WormholesSally Shlaer?, Steve Mellor?Project Technology1996
Shlaer-Mellor Method: The OOA96 ReportSally Shlaer, Neil LangProject Technology1996
Why Explore Object Methods, Patterns, and Architectures?Steve Mellor, Ralph JohnsonProject Technology, University of Illinois1997
Data Types in OOASally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology1997
Recursive Design of an Application-Independent ArchitectureSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology - IEEE Software1997
The DFD as a Subsystem-Scope Diagram in the Shlaer-Mellor MethodDavid WhippSiemens1998
Example Model: Game of GoDavid WhippSiemens1998
Code Generation from Object ModelsRodney BellASSET Consulting1998
Generation of VHDL-code from Object Oriented Analysis ModelsFredrik WestmanSaab Dynamics1999
Tailoring Process-Focused OO MethodsBrian Henderson-Sellers, Steve MellorUniversity of Technology (Sydney), Project Technology - JOOP Magazine1999
Automatic Code Generation from UML Models - Building translation templatesSteve MellorProject Technology - C++ Report1999

Translation Related Books

Leon Starr was the only author outside Project Technology who published a book on the Shlaer-Mellor method. Project Technology's much anticipated Recursive Design book never materialized.

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in DataSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology1988
Object Lifecycles: Modeling the World in StatesSally Shlaer, Steve MellorProject Technology1992
How to Build Shlaer-Mellor Object ModelsLeon StarrModel Integration1996
*Object Modeling and Design Strategies: Tips and TechniquesSanjiv GossainCambridge Technology Partners1998
